Am Monday 06 June 2011 schrieb mir Adrian Kägi:
> Thx for your replies! Wow!
> I see, there are tons of vendors!
> But when they support IPv6 or 6to4 IP6 Tunnel and so on... does they
> support the 6rd concept?
6to4 and 6rd are not the same and are not compatible. 6to4 has a given
prefix while 6rd uses a prefix from the ISP to circumvent the case that a
IPv6 packet which should be received by a 6to4 host never traverse a 6to4-
gateway and so will never enter the IPv4 net.
In this case the packet will never reach the 6to4 host. There is no way to
guarantee that a 6to4 gateway will ever traversed so this indeed a big
weakness of 6to4.