Now Cisco has announced the possibility to execute arbitrary code on the
(Maybe) the discussions in the net forced Cisco must admit their security
Nice weekend,
-----Original Message-----
From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch]
On Behalf Of Fredy Kuenzler
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:41 PM
To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
Subject: [swinog] [Fwd: Cisco IOS Exploit Cover Up]
Another YAGR to come ... ?!?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Cisco IOS Exploit Cover Up
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 13:26:21 -0400
From: James Baldwin <jbaldwin(a)antinode.net>
To: nanog(a)merit.edu
For those who like to keep abreast of security issues, there are interesting
developments happening at BlackHat with regards to Cisco IOS and its
vulnerability to arbitrary code executions.
I apologize for the article itself being brief and lean on technical
details, but allow me to say that it does represent a real problem (as in
practical and confirmed):
swinog mailing list
Hi Jean-Pierre
In the actual situation without unbundling it's 'just' a question
what swisscom would do. Actually i didn't have any information, if
swisscom would support adsl2+
> -----Original Message-----
> From: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch
> [mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] On Behalf Of
> Jean-Pierre Schwickerath
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:39 AM
> To: swinog(a)swinog.ch
> Subject: [swinog] future of dls
> Hello everyone,
> I just read that Netgear proposes a firmware upgrade for their routers
> to support ADSL2+ and in Germany ISP are overbidding themselves with
> always increasing bandwidths.
> Does anyone have reliable information about what swiss broadband ISPs
> plan to offer in the next future?
> Regards,
> Jean-Pierre
> --
> HILOTEC Engineering + Consulting GmbH
> Energietechnik und Datensysteme
> Tel: +41 34 402 74 00 - http://www.hilotec.com/
> _______________________________________________
> swinog mailing list
> swinog(a)lists.swinog.ch
> http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog
Was fuer hosts benutzt ihr um Latenzen innerhalb von der Schweiz zu messen?
Also welche Hosts sind pingbar in welchen verschiedenen Netzen?
Welche Hosts benutzt ihr um Latenzen zu messen?
Robert Depenbrock
| Robert Depenbrock (RD-RIPE) | http://www.scanplus.de/|
| ScanPlus GmbH Ulm (AS12399) | Tel +49 731 92013 134|
| Koenigstr. 78 D 89077 Ulm | Fax +49 731 92013 290|
At the following link can some more infomations about the plans and
timetables of Swisscom with VDSL be found. (sorry, only in german)
|I doubt it would be VDSL - more likely VDSL2. Which gives them a very
|limited footprint. Distances with VDSL2 are very limited.
Indeed. There was a short talk 2 months ago by Swisscom, explaining
their plan to deploy VDSL2, which actually implies moving the exchanges
closer to the users, and their roadmap for coverage in the big cities.
The presentation is available here:
The different is with analog Telephone Line you pay every Minute, if
you are in the Internet... This you can have better on control. But
The traffic. I think is not very easy... I make now a test at home...
I have installed a counter on my PC and I'm looking, how mach of
traffic the computer makes, without me...
You must look Antivirus make every month min. 5-10 mb traffic.
Windows Updates.. horror...
En fact the Limit is Fr. 59.-- for the traffic. I think the most
costumer are paying the Limit (total 69.--). For 150/50 is this verry
For ADSL i think is the best way a flatrate...
But I write tomorrow mornig what kind of trafic my computer is
making... without makeing sometings.
Greeting Xaver
At Fri, 22 Jul 2005 11:51:06 +0200, you wrote:
>I don't think it's stupid. With a 56k modem you don't have any MB =
>included at all, and you pay for traffic. Yes, you also pay when you
>install Windows Updates, McAfee updates or whatever. But if I were a
>"non-techie", I'd still prefer ADSL 150/50 instead of a 56k modem - =
>because it's faster! *duh*
>At the end, you pay almost the same per hour like with a 56k modem =
>(maybe something less) and you're faster. Again, this product wasn't
>thought for technical people, but for dial-up users who would like
to =
>get rid of the old, slow, noisy modem (yes, you can turn off the =
>speaker, I know :-)) and maybe allow the husband to place a phone
call =
>while the wife plays Swiss Lotto, without needing ISDN. Is this so =
>difficult? /methings ADSL Light was a great idea by Swisscom. Why
does =
>everything need to do Swisscom-bashing as a principle?
>-----Messaggio originale-----
>Da: swinog-bounces(a)lists.swinog.ch =
>[mailto:swinog-bounces@lists.swinog.ch] Per conto di Alain Stucki
>Inviato: venerd=EC, 22. luglio 2005 10:02
>A: swinog(a)swinog.ch
>Oggetto: AW: [swinog] future of dsl
>That's exact my position. 20MB/month.. This is really stupid..=20
>20MB exhausted in a few days by reading your daily spam, some other =
>mails with attached files and so on..=20
>I think no one need ADSL with 20MB traffic limit, the good, old 56k =
>modem is a much better solution for these "Gelegenheits-surfer"
>No basic free, no traffic limit.. You pay exactly what you get..
>swinog mailing list
Yesterday we received a letter from WEKO, basically saying that REKO
took 18 months to do nothing in the Swisscom FWS BBCS rebate case. So we
start from scratch again, which is, IMHO, real big ...
I wrote a blog entry about it (German). Please note that my personal
opinion is mixed with the facts.
|I doubt it would be VDSL - more likely VDSL2. Which gives
|them a very limited footprint. Distances with VDSL2 are very
Indeed. There was a short talk 2 months ago by Swisscom, explaining
their plan to deploy VDSL2, which actually implies moving the exchanges
closer to the users, and their roadmap for coverage in the big cities.
The presentation is available here:
Gabriel Boissonnard
Another YAGR to come ... ?!?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Cisco IOS Exploit Cover Up
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 13:26:21 -0400
From: James Baldwin <jbaldwin(a)antinode.net>
To: nanog(a)merit.edu
For those who like to keep abreast of security issues, there are
interesting developments happening at BlackHat with regards to Cisco
IOS and its vulnerability to arbitrary code executions.
I apologize for the article itself being brief and lean on technical
details, but allow me to say that it does represent a real problem
(as in practical and confirmed):