hello all,
we can NOT reach the upper IP from:
- swisscom mobile
- cablecom.biz
- cablecom home
- swissix
from our brasilian firewall I can ping host and reach smtp / http
sockets - also from a belarus provider.
and also from a testsite, hosted in germany / hetzner, the IP is
but effectively from not any switzerland ISP reachable :-(
sad is, that reverse.lstn.net is dropping ICMP packets / traceroutes
not possible in any case
so host is only answering to ICMP echo requests,
and listens to tcp25 and tcp80
could you be so kind and check, if you can connect to this host, and
tell me, via which ISP / peering ?
thanks in advance
NetRange -
Handle NET-69-162-65-120-1
Parent LSN-DLLSTX-2 (NET-69-162-64-0-1)
Net Type Reassigned
Origin AS AS46475
Customer Voico.Net (C02455997)
Hello All
May somebody of the Bluewin/Bluemail mailfilter-team get in touch with
me (off-list)? A customer of ours has an issue I'd like to discuss.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Roman Hochuli
Operations Manager
nexellent ag
Saegereistrasse 33
CH-8152 Glattbrugg
Phone: +41 44 872 20 00
Fax: +41 44 872 20 01
URL: www.nexellent.ch
X-NCC-RegID: ch.nexellent
Imagination is the one weapon in the war
against reality.
-- Jules de Gaultier
hi everyone
I have an open position in our team as network engineer.
please check out:
http://www.swisscom.ch/jobs -> and search for 50534834
You can send the CV directly to the mentioned HR consultant.
Best regards,
Andreas Briner
Product IT Access Platforms
Binzring 17
CH-8045 Zürich
Dear list
Two related questions: --
1. How often do you think server rooms should be cleaned? I suspect the
common standard of "never" may not actually be best practice.
2. Can you recommend any specialist cleaning companies in Switzerland?
Kind regards
hi everybody
here's the announcement for the next beer event.
yes, I know it's next monday and I'm late ,-))
the facts for the next event:
Date: 4th of April 2011
Time: starting around 18.30 o'clock
Location: @ the "Don Weber" (Heinrichstrasse 213, Near TIX).
Registration deadline: 04.04.2011 13:00:00 (Monday)
Registration: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch
Please register here: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch/ since we have to make
reservations, i need to know who's coming and who not. If you cannot
attend and you're registered please inform me asap (+41 79 277 92 35).
Hi there
mhs.ch ist looking to extend the tech team. Job description is available (in german) at: http://www.mhs.ch/unternehmen/Jobs/Jobs_techniker.shtml
Best wishes,
mhs @ internet AG
Zürcherstrasse 204, CH - 9014 St. Gallen
Phone +41 71 274 93 93, Fax +41 71 274 93 94
Vor einiger Zeit ging ja eine Mail herum, dass die globalen Nameserver
fuer .in-addr.arpa aendern werden, dass dies aber keine Auswirkungen
auf den taeglichen Betrieb haben wuerde. Nun, es hatte...
Wer auf seinen Nameservern bislang den folgenden Code drin hatte, um
reverse Lookups zu beschleunigen, kann seit der Umstellung keine
reverse Lookups mehr ausfuehren:
zone "." {
type slave;
file "slave/root.slave";
masters {; // F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
notify no;
zone "arpa" {
type slave;
file "slave/arpa.slave";
masters {; // F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
notify no;
zone "in-addr.arpa" {
type slave;
file "slave/in-addr.arpa.slave";
masters {; // F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
notify no;
Dieser Bereich ist standardmaessig auf aktuellen FreeBSD Servern
auskommentiert, es wird in einem Kommentar aber empfohlen, ihn fuer
Nameservern mit hohem Verkehrsaufkommen zu aktivieren. Nach der
Umstellung der in-addr.arpa Zonen funktioniert das Slaving _NICHT_
mehr, auch nicht von den neuen Servern. Resultat: Reverse-Lookup
funktioniert nicht mehr.
Wer Mailserver betreibt, die auf einem gueltigen Reverse-Lookup
bestehen fuer eine einkommende Verbindung, wird ohne Anpassung seiner
Nameserver nun beginnen (je mehr gecachte Zonen expiren desto mehr)
einkommende Verbindungen abzuweisen, und dieses Abweisen wird zumindest
bei unserm Setup mit "Relaying temporarily denied. Cannot resolve PTR
record for x.x.x.x" begruendet.
Eventuell sind die vor kurzem beschriebenen Probleme, dass bluewin
seine eigenen Adressen nicht akzeptiert (mit "relay denied") auf das
gleiche Problem zurueckzufuehren...
One of our customers got a .255 IPv4 address assigned by sunrise. I know
that this can be a valid host address with a netmask of /23 or greater,
but the strange thing is, that he can't reach any of our Windows Server
2003 hosts with this IP. Windows Server 2008 Servers in the same subnet
are no problem...
Does anybody know of such a problem? Mr. Google couldn't give me any
satisfactory results... :-)
Mike Kellenberger | Escapenet GmbH
+41 52 235 0700/04
Skype mikek70atwork