I'm seeing two mails which are being sent over and over again, sometimes two to four times almost simultanously. The session somehow does not complete (times out on our side). The mails are being sent from various viefep<xx>-int.chello.at mail servers with @hispeed.ch sender addresses and are both over 2MB. Anybody else seeing this sort of behaviour?
Am Friday 12 March 2010 13.02:58 schrieb Mike Kellenberger:
I'm seeing two mails which are being sent over and over again, sometimes two to four times almost simultanously. The session somehow does not complete (times out on our side). The mails are being sent from various viefep<xx>-int.chello.at mail servers with @hispeed.ch sender addresses and are both over 2MB. Anybody else seeing this sort of behaviour?
Yes and UPC also confirmed the problem. (see some of my previous postings to this list.)
Your mailserver probably does scan emails during the smtp session, so that the OK following the DATA section is delayed.
Somehow the UPC Mailservers do not respect the timeouts defined by the RFC for the DATA end phase (10 min as far as I remember) but they close the session after one minute or so.
I reported the problem to UPC Vienna multiple times in the last months. It was also confirmed by a UPC Tech that this is the problem, but I never got any reply to my questions about when they are going to fix the problem.
The problem usualy occurs with large emails, which take longer to scan, so if a large email is resent a couple of houndred times to the same customer, this ends up filling his inbox within very short time.
So I'm still looking for a direct contact to an email tech from UPC Vienna who could make a statement what UPC is doing to fix the problem.
Mit freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen
Benoit Panizzon