Am 23.3.2009 17:44 Uhr, Rainer Duffner schrieb:
Instead of educating politicians it would make more sense, if the IT people would be more involved in politics. The IT industry is doing more for the GDI (BIP) than the farmers, but unfortunately we are not organized.
We also have no means to deliver kilo-gallons of slurry to the front-door of the parliament ;-) Also, farmers have much more means to apply pressure to the public - it's not easy to replace their goods & services on short-notice and they are mostly self-employed. Our work has been commoditized to the point where we are replaceable almost immediately - and most of us are employees. Those who are not are replaceable even easier.... And all the heavy-lifting of the infrastructure is done by big corporations that never go on strike or deny service to their customers (which is the usual way pressure groups like garbage-men and farmers get their agenda through).
I don't agree on this. There are many small companies in Switzerland, which are depending on a good law system.
A part of reality is also, of course, that most of what we do is not really essential - superfluous luxury so to speak. People need food, water, shelter (and garbage-collection). People can survive without email (though we work hard to convince them otherwise) ;-)
You should also not forget, that all those companies are also tax payers and employers. So, there should be an interest, not to annoy them and keep them in Switzerland.