On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 13:04 +0200, Erich Hohermuth wrote:
The new model is called open pipe and the speedprofile is allocated via phonenumber and domain. Swisscom counts all traffic inkl. L2TP header etc. via policy-map and the isp has to pay per Gbyte.
Ok, thanks to you, Steven and Stefan for infos!
So the cheapest way to go online @ a secondary residence is still to find someone nice around with a "real" flatrate adsl line and who lets you add a (well configured) WLAN device against a few bottles of good wine :)
PS: 10Mbit/1Mbit ADSL for 30EUR/Mt, that's now "standard" in France, cf. or even 20Mbit downstream if you're lucky... flatrate of course. /me would like a swiss freebox! :-)