Andreas Fink wrote:
The german text says despite the recurs of Cyberlink, it stays in force:
"Der Rekurs hat keine aufschiebende Wirkung aauf die Untersuchungshandlungen ; der angefochtene Entscheid ist trotz des Rekurses Rechtskräftig, es sei denn der Untersuchungsrichter hat das Gegenteil entschieden"
The order from December 17 would have remained in force if it had not been suspended by means of the order from February 11.
Also, the original "order" was not sent to me, I wonder most about the sentence
"gegen die vorliegende Verfügung keine Rechtsmittel möglich sind".
That is part of the order from February 11 which suspends the effect of the order of December 17 until a higher court has decided about Cyberlink's opposition.
So a judge decides to force me to do anything without hearing my voice, without giving me the right to oppose is really out of my sense of democracy and law.
No, the one decision concerning which ISPs were not giving a right to oppose was the judge's decision to suspend his own order.
Greetings, Norbert