On 21.04.2009, at 09:00, Peter Guhl Listenempfänger wrote:
Andy Davidson schrieb:
On 20 Apr 2009, at 21:49, Peter Guhl Listenempfänger wrote:
Well, it depends. While blocking without loggin isn't good for anything at all
In the UK we have -- we are told -- blocking without logging, because the intent of the blocking is to prevent the *accidental* discovery of child abuse images.
I must say that I havent's often found real child porn sites by accident. Even looking for "child porn" in normal search engines normally only finds ordinary porn pages only using the keyword "child porn" as a marketing gag. To find the real stuff you still normally have to want to find it.
But the idea to block some ugly stuff is not the worst. The worst thing is that somebody we, the people, didn't have elected and can't control is editing the blocklist (foreign countries and private organisations).
That's exactly the source of the problem! The new planned laws all over Europe basically would give the politicians the ability to block anything, WITHOUT CONTROL. This is not democratic. Personally since the 15 years I use the internet, I have never ever stumbled over a Child Porn site. Child Porn is just abused as a theme to push through filter mechanisms.
a few additional readings on where we are on the EU basis:
http://www.laquadrature.net/en/telecoms-package-the-rapporteurs-fear-of-the-... http://www.laquadrature.net/wiki/Mobilisierung_2Tage_um_am138_und_die_Buerge...
A friend of mine can't do his work in the office because the company is using a blocklist (bought from a specialised company) blocking most technology related web forums as unwanted stuff. He can ask the IT- staff to open the sites but he can only ask for specific websites so it takes months to get them all.
Well, as you can see, they rely on someone external means giving up rights... Now imagine if some UK company would control all over switzerland using such mechanism. They will become the Censorship authoritiy.
Even more the problem is that today every photo of a naked child is automatically banned as child porn. There is an exhibition somewhere in Germany (I guess) showing photos which have been shocking people when they came out. It includes some completely harmless pictures of naked children too - I wonder what kind of attacks they are facing! And nobody looks what happens in countries where it's normal to go around mostly naked. Nobody asks if there sexually motivated violation is a real problem.
The porn isnt the real problem. The probem is the removal of the freedom. And if it passes in EU, it will become very difficult to pass in Switzerland. That's why its important.
The real problem with Child Pornography is the police's unability to bring down such sites. Thats an educational problem and a international collaboration problem. Interesting is the fact that a german news paper who has seen a childporn site from the blocked list, attemted to bring it down by contacting the ISP in USA. It was off the net within hours. This is proof that its possible to do but nobody attempts it.
This is political dynamite in my eyes which will come to switzerland. It will influence our daily life, our daily work.
One rule in germany is that it only applies to ISP with more than 10'000 customers. So splitting up ISP's in entities smaller than 10'000 customers could be a solution ;-).
Andreas Fink
Fink Consulting GmbH Global Networks Schweiz AG BebbiCell AG IceCell ehf
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