Hello swinogler
I need your help.
As part of my master thesis, which I am writing at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the course Information Security, I am conducting a survey on the topic "Full Cloud Approach - Assessment of information security with focus on SMEs" and would like to find out what attitudes small and medium-sized companies have to this topic and what experiences have already been made.
Target group: IT managers, IT security managers and members of management
Duration: approx. 10 minutes
German: https://survey.kulhanek.ch/index.php/648676?newtest=Y&lang=de&ID=ao https://survey.kulhanek.ch/index.php/648676?newtest=Y&lang=de&ID=ao
English: https://survey.kulhanek.ch/index.php/648676?newtest=Y https://survey.kulhanek.ch/index.php/648676?newtest=Y&lang=en&ID=ao &lang=en&ID=ao
Please fill in and share! Thanks a lot!
__________________ Antonio Kulhanek Ringstrasse 22 8200 Schaffhausen 076 566 92 29