If anyone should be interested, I am hosting a security meetup on Thursday the 16th in Zurich:
Security Chat 2.0 Thursday, May 16th 2013, 17.30 - 19.30 ETH Zurich, ETZ F78.1 (Elektrotechnik-Gebäude, Gloriastrasse 35, 8006 Zürich) (free) singup at: http://securitychat.eventbrite.com/
Let me know if you want to give a short presentation. Anything really: Projects you are working on, research you have conducted, questions you would like to get answers from the attendees, a good security joke, the stage is yours.
Hope to see you at the event in a couple of weeks!
Visual Analytics Workshop at #BlackHat US in July: http://bit.ly/YGIFhc
Raffael Marty ceo @ pixlcloud http://pixlcloud.com @raffaelmarty http://raffy.ch