Polizeiexperten warnen: Ethnisch abgeschottete Mafia-Clans sind kaum noch zu durchdringen. Die Gerichte tragen Mitschuld.
Weiter auf: http://www.libasoli.de/2004/ethnoclans%20spiegel50_04.html
It would be very nice if some of the listmembers which are using hispeed as provider, would check their computer with an actual virusscanner.
Received: from pefvfim.com (217-162-115-194.dclient.hispeed.ch []) by melitta.init7.net (8.13.4/8.13.4/Debian-1) with SMTP id j4GHhS7x017551; Mon, 16 May 2005 19:43:29 +0200
Received: from osndbb.ch (217-162-207-74.dclient.hispeed.ch []) by groundhog.init7.net (8.13.4/8.13.4/Debian-1) with SMTP id j4IGlOqj009620; Wed, 18 May 2005 18:47:26 +0200
Kind regards Adrian Senn
Adrian Senn schrieb:
It would be very nice if some of the listmembers which are using hispeed as provider, would check their computer with an actual virusscanner.
The question must not be: "How can I protect my computer from viruses?" but "Why should I at all?"
With a proper layout of the operating system, there'd be no need for this.
CU, Venty Unix User