SwiNOG #16 is approaching ... May 14, 2008: http://www.swinog.ch/meetings/swinog16/index.asp If you haven't registered yet, please do it now, there are only 21 places left.
The agenda isn't full yet, and we would like to ask fellow SwiNOG'ers to give a technical presentation. The community feels that in the recent past we've had to many vendors presenting, and we would like to change this.
So don't be shy ... even a short speech of 10 or 15 minuts would be appreciated. Ideas: IPv6 experience, SFlow/Netflow stuff, VPN, SIP, DDOS mitigation, AntiSpam techniques, research results ... or maybe you have a cool monitoring script to share?
Please submit proposals to swinog-core at swinog.
For the Core Team: Fredy