Today news is DE-CIX buy of SwissIX
Why that is not consulted to the members?
Why that is plan?
Job of Rémy?
Port price raise? garantie no price raise?
DE-CIX is €€€€€€€€€ for small swiss network!
DE-CIX = profit SwissIX = verein
how is possible?
The rumor had been spread a few weeks back at EPF in Rome. However not exactly that DE-CIX is going to *buy* SwissIX, but take over technical operations.
Just to clarify: while I'm a one of the former presidents of the SwissIX association, I'm no longer involved and Init7 cancelled it's association membership a few years ago. We are just a participant.
Fredy / Init7
On 13.10.22 19:33, Steven Glogger wrote: