Check the following headers: 8<--------------------------- Received: from melitta.init7.net (melitta.init7.net []) by taguan.init7.net (8.11.7/8.11.7) with ESMTP id j36AI7r25743 for swinog@swinog.ch; Wed, 6 Apr 2005 12:18:07 +0200
X-Virus-Scanned: ClamAV 0.83/809/Tue Apr 5 20:22:26 2005 on melitta X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new-20030616-p10 at dolphins.ch X-Virus-Status: Clean X-Spam-Flag: YES X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=-1.0 required=-10.0 tests=SMILEY autolearn=failed version=3.0.2 X-Spam-Report: * -1.0 SMILEY BODY: Contains one or more Smileys X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on melitta
And now you wonder why you don't see any SWINOG mail ? :)
Okay you can configure your local SA/Amavis to strip other parties headers, but still, bit silly isn't it to have it to -10 ? :) autolearn apparently also fails on that box....
And I don't know what more passes through that box, maybe that is why your email volume suddenly dropped ? :)
Greets, Jeroen
On 06.04.2005 13:06 Pascal Gloor wrote
And now you wonder why you don't see any SWINOG mail ? :)
errmm. Your mailserver is trusting this flag ?????
No, but a lot of MUA probably do,
On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 13:06 +0200, Pascal Gloor wrote:
And now you wonder why you don't see any SWINOG mail ? :)
errmm. Your mailserver is trusting this flag ?????
If a mailserver wants to tag something as spam, have fun, then it is spam and goes to /dev/null ;)
My .procmail does it for me btw:
:0: * ^(X-Spam-Status: Yes.*|(X-Spam-Flag|X-MD-Spam-Flag): YES) .Lists.Spam/
Be gone with it ;)
Greets, Jeroen
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=-1.0 required=-10.0 tests=SMILEY
Yes that is silly. It seems that our (ImproWare) configuration is used without any modifications. We set required=-10.0 because we want to have a report attached in any case, even for negative scores. Later in mimedefang, we set X-Spam-Status manually to yes or no, depending on the real score.
So init7.net should change the header required_hits to something better than -10 :-)
Martin Blapp wrote:
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=-1.0 required=-10.0 tests=SMILEY
Yes that is silly. It seems that our (ImproWare) configuration is used without any modifications.
That's true, I heard that Improware have done a config which works well, and our tests showed that this is really the case, so why reinventing the wheel? Thanks to the Improware admins!
So init7.net should change the header required_hits to something better than -10 :-)
Done, should be fixed now. Sorry for the trouble.