This is probably somewhat off-topic, but some of you guys might have a hint for me. I've been researching the various offers of dedicated hosting in Switzerland, mostly looking at providers listed on Everything I have come across is not only 4-5 times the price of what we're renting right now (at Hetzner in Germany), it is also technically inferior. At Hetzner, the entry level DS3000 is a dual-core 64Bit AMD, 2Gb RAM and 2x400Gb disk. Plus 1Tb transfer-volume/month. This is available at EUR49/month. To get anything remotely similar in Switzerland I have to pay SFr300 or more per month. Given that we would need 4 or 5 such servers, colocation very quickly becomes interesting instead.
Have I missed any really good dedicated server offerings? Any colocation places in or around Zurich you would recommend?
/Per Jessen, Herrliberg
On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 17:06 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
Have I missed any really good dedicated server offerings? Any colocation places in or around Zurich you would recommend?
Not at the prices you wrote, the lowest in .ch I found is something around 88.- (+MwSt). In France, there are the Dedibox (but only for French people) and "Kimsufi": for 19EUR/month, but with a Celeron and just 256MB Ram... : I use one of these as secondary nagios/cacti monitoring system, never had a problem.
The situation is the same for webhosting: in Switzerland, most of the basic offers are around 10-15.-/month, or sometimes even around 5.-/mt (still for stuff really hosted in Swiss hosting centers). But in UK, USA or Germany, I saw today offers from Swiss resellers for CHF 10/year (!) with 200MB of diskspace, unlimited transfer-volume (of course), and it's working quite fine according to customers who moved there... What can you do as Swiss ISP against that? Give up like Sunrise did a few days ago ? :->
regards, Olivier
Hi Per
On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 17:06 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
At Hetzner, the entry level DS3000 is a dual-core 64Bit AMD, 2Gb RAM and 2x400Gb disk. Plus 1Tb transfer-volume/month. This is available at EUR49/month.
Mostly you will get a mother board w/ CPU, RAM, a power supply, two hard disks to make up a software raid and a plug in a remotely switchable power socket. All made up on smalles place possible on a shelf in a cooled warehouse. And there will be thousands of other mb/disk pairs around yours.
To get anything remotely similar in Switzerland I have to pay SFr300 or more per month. Given that we would need 4 or 5 such servers, colocation very quickly becomes interesting instead.
There is no such business here. If you don't have 1000+ customers, no ISP can compete such an offer. Perhaps a startup should get in to that business (so no other damage to an ISP will occur if the company gets insolvent).
Most of the offers you will find in CH, there are real server hardware (possible with remote management card), HW-RAID built-in in a real 19" rack with aircon (and sometimes with reliable UPS ;-) ). You possibly want to have that, if your servers are mission-critical.
At 4-5 servers, Colo is interessting, because you can set up your own internal and external network and don't have to pay server-internal bw.
HTH - Dan