Hi to all of you
Joe Klein, internationally well-known security expert and specialized in IPv6 security is in Switzerland for a project. We took the opportunity to invite him to speak at the Swiss IPv6 Council. If you are interested, please join us.
Thursday May 17, 6pm, Digicomp Zurich (next to main station)
More info and registration: http://www.swissipv6council.ch/en/events/ipv6-security-talk-with-joe-klein
The event is free for IPv6 Expert members. For all others there is an Unkostenbeitrag of CHF 20 to be paid at the entrance.
I am sorry, this is so short notice. Maybe you can still make it. As usual, after the presentation and discussion which lasts until about 7.30 we will have nice Apéro riche and time for socializing.
Cheers Silvia
Sunny Connection AG CH-8124 Maur +41 (0)44 887 62 10 www.sunny.chhttp://www.sunny.ch/ http://twitter.com/sunny_shagen ****************************************** Switzerland is globally Number 3 in IPv6 User Adoptionhttp://labs.apnic.net/dists/v6dcc.html We reached 30%, on our way to 50%! ****************************************** Think Agile, thrive in the Flow: www.flowdays.nethttp://www.flowdays.net/ ****************************************** Our website is dual-stack - how about yours? ******************************************