On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 16:56:32 +0100, Mattia Rossi mattia.rossi.mailinglists@gmail.com said:
Query goes via v4 and works
dig AAAA ns1.easyname.com @2a02:1b8:ea59::2
;; QUESTION SECTION: ;ns1.easyname.com. IN AAAA
;; Query time: 60 msec ;; SERVER: 2a02:1b8:ea59::2#53(2a02:1b8:ea59::2)
Query via v6 doesn't work - guess the server is not listening on v6
But you did get a response, didn't you? So there *is* a server listening :) The response in this case just happens to be a "SERVFAIL", but that's perfectly ok because ns1.easyname.com is not authoritative for the zone easyname.com. That zone is served by
$ dig easyname.com. ns +short ns3.nessus.at. ns1.nessus.at. ns2.nessus.at.
But, as someone else pointed out, this is irrelevant for your original question.