Michael Naef schrieb:
So I dare to kindly ask those unable to go without something evil like an *autoresponder* to switch their mailinglist subscriptions to another address where they do not need to inform the senders about their holidays?
No man, that's part of the idea. That way you always know, who's on holiday, just in case you have a problem with their network or some such! One could automate this by sending a ping-mail once a day and generate a nice website for the everybody. =:-)
For those having read this far: Thank you. To all atoresponders: Shut up!
Right. Guys, get hold of that computer. Just because its a problem in an upper layer does not mean one can ignore it.
(don't miss the ;) despite all wigging)
CU, Venty
P.S. Michi, Linuxday am Samstag! http://www.linuxday.at/