On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 09:52:49AM +0200, Marco Fretz wrote:
Hi SwiNOGers,
We've the problem that sunrise is advertising our prefixes from our backup provider instead of the ones from our primary. This is most likely because our backup provider is a downstream customer from sunrise.
Our prefixes then get advertised to level3 (and other sunrise upstream peers). Sunrise seems to be level3 downstream customer and prefer our prefixes from sunrise instead of our primary provider, too. The consequence is that most other ISPs are seeing only our prefixes over sunrise and our backup provider.
Sunrise changed their as-communities recently so that's no longer possible for our backup provider to influence their local-pref.
I think this might be a common problem in primary / backup BGP scenarios. Any ideas how to solve it?
Prepend your own AS a few times.