Hi all
Since Weeks we steadily get complaints from different customers (sometimes sending mail via our server, sometimes with own servers, sometimes using mailservers of other ISP) trying to send email to Bluewin Hostcenter Customers.
Their emails are being rejected by mail-fwd.mx.hostcenter.com.
The message from the Hostcenter Server ist: (reason: 554 Denied)
What I have found out since is: The Recipient uses the Hostcenter's anti-spam Solution. This is a 'blackbox solution' operated abroad, the Hostcenter Techs have no access to logfiles and there is not tech support abroad for that solution which could look into logs to tell what goes wrong.
It is impossible to find out why an email was rejected.
So the only thing I can tell our customers is: It's not working because the recipient is using a anti spam software which does not like your emails. Please communicate via fax or letter, just accept that email is not working and that we cannot fix it because the problem is at mail-fwd.mx.hostcenter.com and not our mailserver.
But the customers of course keep blaming us, because our server is 'not able to send mails to mail-fwd.mx.hostcenter.com'.
I wonder, are we the only ISP which gets this many complaints about emails not being accepted by mail-fwd.mx.hostcenter.com or are others also affected?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Benoit Panizzon