it will be interesting to see the reaction from those guys on that reply ,-))
Andreas Fink wrote:
I have answered the judge the following in german. I think he's stepping totally over the fence.
Basel, 16. Februar 2009
Dossier N° PE03.018380-YNT
Sehr geerte Damen und Herren,
Nehmen Sie zur Kentniss das ihr Schreiben von 11. Februar 2009 für uns keinerlei Relevanz hat. Als Internet Provider sind wir nicht verpflichtet die Verbindungen unserer Kunden ins Internet zu Zensurieren. Des weiteren verfügen wir nicht über die technischen Möglichkeiten dies zu tun und haben auch keine entsprechenden Absichten dies je zu tun. Auch wurde uns das Recht auf Anhörung verwehrt und jegliche Rekursmöglichkeit ausgeräumt was sicher nicht im Sinne der Rechtssprechung ist.
Falls Sie trotzdem darauf beharren das wir diese Seiten sperren sollen, weisen wir Sie darauf hin das dies nur unter dem Vorbehalt der vollständigen Vorausbezahlung sämtlicher Kosten geschene würde. Wir gehen davon aus das die Kosten für eine entsprechende Infrastruktur sich in der Grössenordnung von mehreren hundert tausend Franken liegt.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Andreas Fink
Geschäftsführer BebbiCell AG
On 16.02.2009, at 16:18, Mike Kellenberger wrote:
What about making the site URL public so as many people as possible can set up a mirror before the filter for original site is installed? Just to show how the Web works and that site filters are no good at all…
Besides, Google/ and others will have a copy as well…
-- Mike Kellenberger Escapenet - the Web Company Tel +41 52 235 0700 Skype mikek70atwork
*Von:* [] *Im Auftrag von *Andreas Fink *Gesendet:* Montag, 16. Februar 2009 16:09 *An:* *Betreff:* [swinog] Post from Canton de Vaud
Hello Collegues,
Today I got a document sent to us because we are listed as ISP. You probably have all received it as well. Its a case of a Party A against "unknown" who has said something wrong/bad about Party A. (Ehrverletzung/Verleumdung etc.)
While I can understand that Party A tries to get their right to get things wrong written about them is being changed to correct, the ISP's of Switzerland are now out of a sudden involved in this as they are "in charge of blocking" the corresponding site.
Also what upset's me most is the sentence that this is the status of a "Verfügung" from a "Untersuchungsrichter" and there is no legal way to oppose ("gegen die vorliegende Verügung keine Rechtsmittel möglich sind"). This might be true for the immediately accused as they had their chance to answer but for us "other 3rd party" ISP's it can not hold true as we have never heard of this case ever before and we have not been involved in this case before.
I would suggest the ISP community of Switzerland stands up united against such ridiculous practice of judges who have no clue how the internet works:
I see two possible ways
a) All ISP's send an INvoice to the Party A for the installment of the filters. They have caused this work so they are liable for the cost. Its not our fault.
b) all ISP's object in written to the decision of being in this case and oppose.
or both.
What are your oppinions?
Andreas Fink
Fink Consulting GmbH Global Networks Schweiz AG BebbiCell AG IceCell ehf
Tel: +41-61-6666330 Fax: +41-61-6666331 Mobile: +41-79-2457333 Address: Clarastrasse 3, 4058 Basel, Switzerland E-Mail:
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