I got the experience with heavy-used webpages like e.g facebook - if you're trying to hit it from a normal PC via UMTS on orange, there must be so many people online my session normally "Timeout" after less than a minute which is defintely not my problem, also it's sometimes that overloaded that it brings me the message (OTHER SITES TOO!) that I should enable cookies in my browser!)
I guess sometimes the problem is that it has problem with the tracking of the cookies and kickes out random users as there might be thousands from the same IP
(e.g Facebook has an iPhone plugin which probably hundreds or thousands use)
Am 09.11.2008 um 03:07 schrieb Tonnerre Lombard:
Salut, Nico,
On Fri, 7 Nov 2008 11:51:14 +0100, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrote:
Just as a normal 08/15 I experienced that booking a ticket on sbb.ch can be almost impossible, as sbb.ch either has a session handling problem or swisscom has a nat handling problem (maybe a bit of both). Interestingly, I also often experience the "your session is invalid/timed out" message from sbb, when just accessing the timetable function.
I can absolutely not confirm this I'm afraid... Everything seems to be working fine.