On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 05:35:26PM +0200, Matthias Hertzog wrote:
We're facing a growing amount of automatically generated HTTP POST requests, all containing spamvertising links like
We all do...
a) Spamfilter of recipient shall filter that
If you are the only recipient and your spamfilter is good... but it doesn't take the load off the server and the net.
b) Web-user has to enter a unique number (generated image) in the form to prove, he's a human being.
Quite a problem to keep accessibility for blind users.
c) Badword-Filtering in the formmail-script, some reqular expressions a.s.o.
I prefer bayes filtering for that. My way to do it is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/spfgb (public domain). I used it for a guestbook but the system can be adapted (Quit ugly code yet, but working quite well!).
Regards Peter