Date & venue have now been defined for this talk:
Wednesday 18 September 18:15 - 19:30 Location: SWITCH, Werdstrasse 2 (near Stauffacher), Zurich room "Rigi" (1st floor)
Please continue to use the Doodle link to register if you would like to attend, so that we know how many people to expect.
Also, please try to be there on time.
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Landon Noll will be in Zurich, Switzerland Sept 18-20 and has prepared a 40-minute talk which he would enjoy presenting to us, if there is interest.
Failures of Shallow, Inconsistent & Incomplete Security
With a number of best security practices, great security concepts and sincere security implementations, why do security systems fail? Many fail because the security is trivial, inconsistent and/or incomplete.
Trivial security may be ridiculed as being useless. Inconsistent security may be blamed on logic faults, or on the poor implementation of a sound idea. But of the three, it is the incomplete security flaws that are often the hardest to identify and most difficult to fix. Worse still, attacks on systems with incomplete security often produce the most devastating results.
We will look at security failures, from the historic to the modern, for examples of the trivial, inconsistent and incomplete security: with takeaway lessons that will help you avoid repeating those mistakes.
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