I see this like another example of fighting evil at the wrong end. Of course it is important to fight such content but is filtering websites the right method ? I don't think so.
Let be realistic, how many ISPs worldwide are gonna deploy a Whitebox ? Filtering locally simply means stopping end users to access illegal sites. Ok, but the sites are still there and everybody else will still have access ! What do we wanna fight ? The access to illegal content or the publishing of them ? Just because some ISPs will filter-out those sites will not reduce the amount of kids being abused. What is worser ? Someone looking at kids being abused or someone who abuse them ?
I see already Netclean press releases claiming the big success as the list of sites will increase, as at the same time, the guys who manage those sites will not notice any decrease in hits...
The Netclean solution is better than nothing but definitely this is not gonna make the difference.