Hi Steven
it seemed to be a local problem
had today for two hours not even a voltage on the line, the region was frauenfeld :) It was just standard POTS, I was just wondering if that was some kind of outtage here I am just curious as otherwise I would need to check my VOIP and VDSL modem :) - plugged in normal phone and got no "summton" :)
Silvan Am 21.05.2008 um 23:39 schrieb Steven Glogger:
well... it would be helpful if you note WHAT service is down? some fiberoptical service? which pop are you connected? if it's adsl/sdsl/vdsl:
- who's your provider? (could be some TAL stuff,...)
- which region, etc?
- dont forget those dsl stuff is _best efford_ ,-)