On Fri, 14 Mar 2008, Viktor Steinmann wrote:
As an ISP, you do...
- what a customers pays for
- what the law requires
Thanks for summing things up in two simple lines, what i were not able to express shorter ;-)
Is either the case here? Nope. If anybody wants you to do work for them - and forwarding messages to people, who's IP you'll have to grep out of Logfiles first (in the worst case) *is* work - this entity should pay for it.
If it concerns dynamically allocated IP addresses I second this opinion, however if it costs you no work to identify the customer, why not forward the message? As long as it is not too much work, the customer will be happy or at least ammused about the mail. So if it costs you significant work to find out who had the ip address, silently discarding the mail is the way to go in deed.