According to today's NetzwocheTicker and :
"At the request of the internet community in Switzerland, SWITCH is adding the letter "œ" to the range of characters permitted in domain names ending in .ch and .li."
Interesting, because as mentioned in the news itself, "œ cannot be typed in directly, since it is not even available on French keyboards" (cf. And it's also not on our swiss-french/german keyboards. So *who* will use that? :) (ok, it's also the case for many of the others chars listed under )
Just wondering: who from the "internet community" asked for that? I guess this person is probably be around on Swinog list, so he/she could explain us ... :-) And what if the "internet community" were asking for cheaper .ch/.li domains (for example for Fr. 10.-/year) or to remove the "minimum length three characters" limitation? :)
regards & have a nice snowy week-end! Olivier