Silvan Michael Gebhardt schrieb:
I suppose instead, contact the people behind the libGeoIP,
and afair is geoIP THE library to get the people and their corresponding IPs
Doesn't Zattoo e.g use it?
Am 12.01.2009 um 15:37 schrieb
How can this situation be solved? Is it possible to register the piece of the overall IP range to ARIN (and only this piece) ? According to the customer it is not possible to register again ip-ranges at ARIN etc. there're too many impacts in his network infrastructure etc.
RIPE space is not transferable to ARIN, APNIC etc. and vice versa.
Get your RIPE entries done correctly with country information and ping Maxmind and other GeoIP database to fix your entries.
You of course could apply for separate IP space at ARIN, APNIC etc. and renumber, but this is a) expensive and b) requires a lot of labor - probably not the favourite way to go.