Am 11.09.2008 um 20:28 schrieb
great idea, whitelisting every system on the world which sends confirmation email .. it will be an big efford for that small country to convince the rest of the world ;-)
To be precise: I use to blacklist all dynamic IPs (and the RBL from spamcop, and also the swinog RBL - I would use spamhaus, but they blocked us because we make too many requests and we can't afford their prices). Then, I use the list on the SWINOG-RBL homepage to whilelist all the swiss dynamic IPs (and some other big systems, plus various IPs clients requested us to whitelist over the years) - because those are the one's that may actually want to relay through our system or send us mail legitimately. helps finding IPs of outbound relays, too.
I don't use greylisting - IMO, it's a system that doesn't work large- scale, in a similar way TMDA or other "please reply to this email or click on this link"-systems don't work in practise.
To be vaguely on topic - most of our customers have static IPs, and it's not a problem to set the PTR to another value. But we also don't boast 100000+ customers, like does - maybe they're afraid of having to change 100k PTRs, if they set a precedent? ;-)
IT would be so easy - it's just users and customers that make it difficult :-)))