❦ 16 juillet 2014 15:40 +0200, Andre Keller ak@list.ak.cx :
we have customers that run basically an IPv6-only infrastructure with some ipv4 reverse proxies in front of the services that need to be publicly available. Some of these internal services can be accessed using a VPN. The VPN connection will provide a static IPv6 address for the client and a route to the ipv6 only servers will be pushed so traffic goes through the VPN.
In chrome the above does not work if the client has no global IPv6 access (i.e. an IPv6 default route). It just does not resolve AAAA records as it seems, because access with literals (such as http://%5B2001:db8::1]) works.
Does anybody know if there is a knob to alter this behavior? Other tested browsers are Firefox, Opera, Midori and Lynx which seem to work fine.
Hi Andre!
There is a flag "--enable-ipv6": http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
You can also check by visiting: chrome://net-internals/#dns
Chrome is testing if there is a functional IPv6 functionality. With only a partial connectivity, the test is failing. Maybe you could also advertise two default routes 0::/1 and 8000::/1 through the VPN to fix that (and routes the IPv6 probes that Chrome tries to send).