Hello Stanislav,
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 22:44:30, you wrote:
it's waaay too high price for quite a moderate degree. A set of ciscopress books will not cost you more than few hundred francs. And if you find a job where you have access to some roiuters, that will be enough.
Books are not the problem, but access to the equipment, hm... I mean, I have access to some routers in my company, but not in a manner useful for practicing (i.e. building CCNP labs).
I would recommend gaining some real-life experience and head for CCIE, and not wasting time for those numerous exams for the CCNP degree.
OK, but my impression was that the CCNP (with all that labs) is also a good way to get some experience, and after that also a "springboard" to a good environment (i.e. good job) for CCIE hunting. Maybe I'm wrong...
b) to make my own lab (ebay), buy all books and try to become a "home made" CCNP? :-)
for CCIE it would work, for CCNP it's an overkill imho.
Well, could be, but on the other hand such lab (of course, with a used equipment) would cost only quarter (or even less) of the academy price.
Thanx for suggestions.