How many children will actually be safed from being raped by their daddy/uncle/friend of the family when we have these filters in place?
dont say that venty, this doesnt exists, the only bad thing and work of devil is the net, responsible for all bad things on earth. </ironiemode>
next step will be the paper company which sells paper to an print shop wich print childporn magazin will be sued and shutdown by law. or somebody copy such material in an copyshop...
and how many child will be "ordered" by phone for some "service" ? should the phoneprovider be sued as well ?
whats about shared internetconnection ? a company ? Wireless lan community ? (winterthur)
again some political decission from people which doesnt have the glue what they are doing.
CU, Venty
-- What we're planning here is World-Domination!