Jeroen, as I'm doing my v6 on a router behind the bridge, I really don't care about what feature as the bridge, beside bridging ;)
Roger, I'm quite fan of pcengines already, however they don't do the interconnection with the incombent (isp) supporting *dsl interaction. I'm really interested on the device at the front of it.
On 2/1/11 8:23 PM, Roger Blum wrote:
Hi Will
On 01.02.2011, at 16:44, Jeroen Massar wrote:
On 2011-02-01 15:29, Will van Gulik wrote:
Heya people,
Currently maintaining many customers network offices with ADSLs connections, generaly bridging the router on site and doing all my routing on a *nix box.
In this design, I'm looking for some efficient, low price, reliable hardware that would do only the bridge work.
The Netopia VDSL[1] thingies that Swisscom gives along with the VDSL offer works like a charm over here. I just disabled the wireless on it (as I could not manage it and hey, that is not the way to do it) and put it into bridge mode and indeed have a Linux box behind it for IPv4 NAT and IPv6 tunneling, nice clean 1480 path to the PoP ;)
Otherwise you might want to look at the new AVM 7570 box, that one can even do IPv6 (with some quirks like no static routing yet but it does work ;) even supports TIC+heartbeat.
For that matter, just cut down the list to everything that does support IPv6 and skip the rest as that is then not a good investment.
I can recommend hardware from PC Engines [2] on where you can run different operating systems on a CompactFlash card. There are also a few naked os (Debian, CentOS) images or prepared router/firewall images linked on the site, such as m0n0wall [3] or pfSense [4].
[2] [3] [4]
Cheers, Roger