Hello Bluewin Mailteam,
Can someone from the Bluewin Mail Team contact me offline by my business
email sm(a)solnet.ch ?
I have a problem, we have some customer ther have the DSL by SolNet but
still a existing
eMail Adress @bluewin.ch
like blah(a)bluewin.ch and sent to blah(a)solnet.ch
So ther use pop.bluemail.ch to get the emails, ther is no problem, and ther
use from the bluewin
spec to send this mailserver : smtpauth.bluewin.ch port 587 and send also
ther user/password to
But since yesterday ther get always this error.
Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht. Der Mail-Server
antwortet: RCPT TO:<blah(a)solnet.ch> Restricted relay -
relaying not allowed. Bitte überprüfen Sie die
E-Mail-Adresse der Empfänger und wiederholen Sie den
best regards