Update: PCTipp made the news public to a broader audience and established the hashtag: #SaveSwitchMirror 


Fredy Kuenzler
Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur


Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Von: Fredy Kuenzler <kuenzler@init7.net>
Datum: 22. August 2018 um 15:40:10 MESZ
An: swinog@swinog.ch
Betreff: mirror.switch.ch to be closed down

SWITCH announced that they plan to close down mirror.switch.ch. See
announcement http://mirror.switch.ch/

I personally think this is very sad. In the name of the community I
would like to thank SWITCH for their support over all these years.

However I would like to start the discussion how we can keep
mirror.switch.ch alive as a community effort.

Can the decision makers at SWITCH please explain the preconditions?
Funding for new hardware? Throw in some bandwidth? Colocation? Server

Please discuss.

Fredy Kuenzler