Hi Swinogers, 

I'm currently thinking about deploying a Sheevaplug or similar with mosh (http://mosh.mit.edu) as a login jumphost since I am several hours in mobile mode every day and I need a space outside of my network to host a *jump host*

please contact me offlist and offer me housing for something like that: http://www.plugcomputer.eu/

All I am taking up is some bandwith (expected bandwith in average probably 1mbit max, half of it for keepalives for outbound vpn tunnels, 
Power consumption apparently less than 10watts.

Need v6 and v4 connection, 1 IP each, public, not firewalled, 1 Plug in the power strip

Since this is a rather non-standard thing I'm looking for, but I need it in a datacenter outside my infrastructure, I thought it's best to ask here.

Btw, for anyone experienced already or looking into mosh, looking forward for exchange here

Good Evening!
