Hi folks,

This is mostly to satisfy my curiosity, but if someone has technical insights I would be more than happy to hear. Background - yesterday my residential Sunrise fiber has changed the OTO plug from #1 to #2 (in Zurich). It's still XGS-PON, it's just that I'm using a different line now.

I have a setup that runs a continuous ICMP test towards various targets. I have observed that after changing the fiber plug, all the RTTs suddenly dropped. My guess (may be wrong though) is that with OTO#1 I was connected to a more complex PoP setup than with OTO#2 and this is what reduced the RTT.

For interested, here are 3 graphs presenting the drop. For every graph the left side is OTO#1 and the right is OTO#2. Monday morning was the time of changing the line:

1) https://i.ibb.co/qRL1Hyb/1.png
2) https://i.ibb.co/9ZL60KB/2.png
3) https://i.ibb.co/k2YJzJL/3.png
