You're basically spending your time to provide a free service for what recruiters are used to pay. Those who need a new job will anyway search at the job sites. 

On the other hand, here's an example of a free job ad service:
but it's a bit different from a mailing list with disabled archiving ;)

From: Fredy Kuenzler <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [swinog] New list for jobs

Am 23.08.2011 08:20, schrieb Per Jessen:
>> To answer some little unhappyness from Viktor, Per and Stanislav,
>> It is to allow more offers to be posted, especially from job-agencies.
>> We have done this because we were asked by an agency to regularly post
>> on the general list and we refused.
> Okay, that makes a lot more sense.  Perhaps the list would have been
> better named "jobads" :-)

The community should decide. If noone would subscribe to swinog-jobs, it
simply would die again. But it seems that quite a big chunk of the community
is interested in job advertising. As of now 72 subscribers are registered at
swinog-jobs. For comparison: swinog has 917 subscribers.
