There is one commercial solution out there I have heard about, 

netclean Whitebox.

only problem?
blind on one eye.

"The NetClean WhiteBox does not currently support IPV6"

Source of Quote?


Am 17.02.2009 um 23:44 schrieb Matthias Leisi:

Oliver Bollisger schrieb:

but what is the best method? blocking ip traffic to the site can also
mean to block legitimate traffic to a shared hosting server!?

Filter the traffic for specific IPs/networks/etc (eg by playing some BGP
games) through transparent proxies and redirect "forbidden" traffic to a
suitable target (or /dev/null).

Yes, that is an engineering challenge, but feasible.

Yes, that is a legal challenge, but it can be done in ways compatible
with constitutional rights and contractual obligations.

Yes, that contradicts many fundamental principles of how many people
perceive the Internet, but that is a weak argument in public discussion.

Yes, judges from the canton of Vaud seem to be specifically incompetent
and impertinent, but this can not be corrected by whining on a techie
mailing list.

Note that I'm far from endorsing or supporting such decisions, but that
I'm just asking for more effective ways to unmask the short-sightedness
of the judges orders.

-- Matthias
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