There can be legal requirements in different contexts, such as adult content, data protection issues, copyright protected content etc. I often draft disclaimers and legal wording for websites, so contact me offlist for any specific questions. You needn't even become my client to discuss a few basis issues...

Von: im Auftrag von Steven Glogger
Gesendet: Do 29.01.2009 14:52
Betreff: Re: [swinog] login banner

are there legal requirements? ,-)
i'm not even sure when someone tries to enter some login/password's to logins if this is illegal.
no one is stupid enogh to not filter login traffic but to show some nice designed banners to hackers ,-)

From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Krygier
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:49 AM
Subject: [swinog] login banner

Can anyone provide sample login banners that meet legal requirements in Switzerland?


Thank you in advance,



Michael Krygier